Creche Facilities

• Doctor on call • Healthy nutritious meals provided
• Play Based Learning.
And More…..


Age: 1 Year - 2 Years

The daily programme in the wobbler rooms will include a variety of activities which will encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of your child. Some of the activities are as follows, imaginative play, creative play, messy play, sensorial play, musical activities as well as songs and stories. The children also participate in finger, hand and foot painting.


Age: 2 Years - 2 Years + 8 Months
The daily programme in this playschool rooms includes activities such as construction toys, peg boards, threading beads, small animals and lacing. These activities encourage the development of hand and eye co-ordination, reasoning, problem solving and fine motor skills. The environment and the equipment allow for a range of activities which will encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of your child. Books and stories are readily available to the children to help with language skills, confidence, enjoyment of books and which also helps develop pre literacy and numeracy skills.


Age: 2 Years + 8 Months - 5 Years

Our Preschool Rooms are play based which children learn best by interacting with concrete materials and by bring respected as individuals. The early years educator’s role is primarily in organising materials and establishing a general classroom culture. Most of the activities are individual, though the children interact in groups in some activities. In this classroom the children also play with many toys, they role play, play in small and large groups. Play is fundamental is children’s learning and overall development ‘Much of children's learning and development takes place through play and hands on experience. Children explore social, physical and imaginary worlds. These experiences help them to manage their feelings, develop as thinkers and language users, develop socially, be creative and imaginative, and lay the foundations for becoming effective communicators and learners.


Age: 2 Years + 8 Months - 5 Years

Our ECCE Rooms are play based which children learn best by interacting with concrete materials and by bring respected as individuals. The early years educator’s role is primarily in organising materials and establishing a general classroom culture. Most of the activities are individual, though the children interact in groups in some activities. In this classroom the children also play with many toys, they role play, play in small and large groups. Play is fundamental is children’s learning and overall development ‘Much of children's learning and development takes place through play and hands on experience. Children explore social, physical and imaginary worlds. These experiences help them to manage their feelings, develop as thinkers and language users, develop socially, be creative and imaginative, and lay the foundations for becoming effective communicators and learners.

Barnhall Price List

Créche Price List

Creche optionsPeriodRate
12 Months - 5 years5 Days€1,250 pm

Créche Price List including ECCE

Session Type NameSession TypeNumber of DaysFee Including ECCE (3 free hours)Fee Excluding ECCE Effective From
5 Full Days (07:00-18:30) inc. ECCEAM5 Days€290.00€225.5010/04/2023
ECCE Session Only AM (09:30-12:30)AM5 Days€0.00€0.0010/04/2023
TypeDescriptionEffective From
Deposit€500 per family10/04/2023
ECCE Deposit€100 refundable Deposit, once approved on the hive10/04/2023
Discount5% Discount for 5 day Full Time place with 2nd subsequent children10/04/2023

Healthy meals Daily