Wobblers (1 year - 2 years)
Before you know it – a wobble becomes a walk.
The wobbler & toddler room caters specifically to, you guessed it – wobblers and toddlers. That means children who are starting to grow, learn, and find their feet. As your little loved one begins to become themselves, it is vital that their curiosity is nurtured with the best childcare available to them.
We can provide the best in crèche learning experience for your toddler through our dedicated early education methods. At this age, children’s minds are like sponges and they learn many lifelong skills. We constantly encourage language development, independence, and social skills. Our creches have dedicated rooms for this age group.
The activities carried out here include:
• Music • Arts and crafts • Stories • Constructive play • Sand and water • Lots of outdoor play • Gymboree
All the above ties into our Aistear curriculum which supports children’s development in their natural environment in those important early years.
For More Information, why not give us a call?
Please see our contact us section for contact details.