Little Harvard Swords
Welcome to Little Harvard Swords.
At Little Harvard Crèche and Montessori Swords, we offer the best childcare for your child. At our swords crèche, we give children the utmost individual attention to ensure that their needs are met. Little Harvard Swords provide an open and loving atmosphere and education that they deserve.
Why Choose Little Harvard Swords?
Here’s What Our Parents Say
Contact Us
Creche Manager: Natalia
Creche Manager Phone: 01 840 5963
Creche Manager Email: adminsw@littleharvard.ie
Opening Hours: 7.00 - 18.30
Account Executive Phone: 01 255 4022
Account Executive Email: accountsswords@littleharvard.ie
Address: Holywell Centre, Feltrim Hall, Swords, Co. Dublin. K67 V076.