12 Gifts Your Child Really Needs


We all know the best gifts we can give our children are ‘roots’ and ‘wings’. But there is a lot of work to be done in between if we want them to understand what life is really about :)

So here are 12 Gifts your child really needs:

1.      The Gift of Time – The gift of time is the one of the most precious gifts you can give to your children. You can never take it back, and it will always stay in their memories.

2.      The Hugs and Kisses Gift – Your children are never too old to receive hugs and kisses. It’s a physical affirmation of your love for them.

3.      The Welcoming Home Gift – Knowing that you can always come home is the sweetest assurances in the world! So make sure your home represents that to your child. A stable home becomes the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. They need to know their place in the family, who they can trust, and who is going to be there for them.

4.      The Gift of Self-Esteem – Children who learn to value themselves are more likely to have confidence. As a result, they are more likely to become happy adults with healthy self-esteem.

5.      The Gift of Challenge – Encourage your children to dream and to try to accomplish it.

6.      The Gift of Curiosity – Questions! Teach your child to ask lots of questions:  who, what, where, how, why, etc. But also teach yourself to be patience enough to answer all of them.

7.      The Gift of Discipline – Children need rules and consistency in order to learn about life: from appropriate behaviour, to how to get along with others, discipline should not be avoided.  It should always be there, with a consistent and positive approach.

8.      The Gift of Encouragement – Words are powerful! So use them to give encouragement and positive thoughts to your child. Always :)

9.      The Gift of Opportunity – Kids need opportunities to experience new things in order to find out what they like and what they are good at. So give them opportunities: lots of them!

10.   The Gift of Generosity – Teaching by example is one of the most effective ways to influence your child. In another word: be generous in order to teach generosity. Discuss with your child about other people’s needs, your own needs and the child’s needs.

11.   The Gift of Honesty –  Kids who learn integrity at a young age, have a far greater opportunity to become honest adults. Again, teaching by example is still the most effective way.

12.   The Gift of Love – Give love. Unconditionally. All the time. Forever. :)


Raising a Child Who Loves Reading


Exploring Nature with The Kids! – Part II