New Regulations of School Age Childcare Services


Do you know about the new regulations of school age childcare services?

From the 18th of February 2019, childcare services providing care to school-age children must register with the Child and Family Agency (Tusla) and obey with the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Registration of School Age Services) Regulations 2018.

Childcare providers covered by the regulation are Centre-based Childcare Services and Childminding Services.

What do the Regulations cover?

Childcare providers must safeguard the health, safety and welfare of children attending their service. Some of the areas covered by the Regulations include:

Management and staffing

Childcare services must ensure that children are appropriately supervised at all times. All staff, students and volunteers must be vetted from the National Vetting Bureau, also known as Garda vetting. Childminders must also have Garda vetting.

Ratios of early years children allowed in centre-based services

Centre-based services must ensure there is a minimum ratio of 1 adult to 12 school age children at all times.

Ratios of early years children allowed in childminding services

There is a limit on the maximum number of children who can attend a childminding service at the same time.

To find out more information on the New Regulations of School Age Childcare Services, please visit:


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