Protecting Children From Heat


Children don’t sweat as much as adults, so they find it harder to stay cool. When its hot, you should make sure that children and babies drink enough fluids to keep them hydrated and learn to act fast when protecting children from heat.

Heat exhaustion: Heat exhaustion can happen in the heat. Your child could get heat exhaustion if they become too hot and if they are not drinking enough fluids.

Heatstroke: Heatstroke is a life-threatening medical emergency. Your child can get heatstroke if they are not able to cool their body down, this causes their temperature to rise.

Signs of heat exhaustion

  • weakness or fainting

  • intense thirst

  • headache/sweating

  • pale clammy skin

  • cramps in the arms, legs or stomach

  • no appetite, feeling sick or vomiting

  • irritability or being cranky

  • temperature of more than 38 degrees (but less than 40 degrees)

If your child has heat exhaustion

  • cool their skin with cold water

  • get them to rest in a cool place

  • give them plenty of fluids to drink.

Preventing heat exhaustion and heatstroke

To help prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke, make sure that your child:

  • drinks plenty of cold drinks

  • Use sunscreen

  • Use a umbrella

  • takes cool baths or showers

  • wears light-colored and loose clothing – sprinkle water over skin or clothes

  • is in the shade from the sun between 11am to 3pm

For more information on Protecting your children from the heat, please visit the HSE website here.


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